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Friday, October 31, 2008

We are all grown up now

Since it is now fall and getting colder we found that we needed to put heat lamps in the pens suspended from the ceiling. This seems to keep the production mode going. Maybe they freeze up in this process, lol..
The Australorps are so pretty and the roosters know who their girlfriends are. My Rooster, Chicken George, has his harem of mix matched breeds and he thinks he's a prince!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Contemplating fall! Chicken George (Rooster) & Hens

Fall is upon us and it will rain until this time next year. All the chickens are fat and sassy, but the Australorp's in the other pen still have not begun laying.
This was outside the "other" chickens pen a few days ago.
We are hoping for a mild winter and staying warm..