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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Growing rapidly & Missy Boo the chicken herder!

It has been a while since I posted here after my computer has crashed so I am posting my latest chicken update from one of my daughters computers. The chickens are growing rapidly and the hens should be producing eggs in a couple of months.
The feathers are just beautiful. Henny Penny, the Arucana, and Hippie Chick, the White Crested Black Polish, both think they are of the same family. No separating them because they will have a fit.
Hippie Chick likes to roost outside on the fence at night so she is the last one to go in and that is with force. LOL
We will be adding to the flock of Australorp's at a future date and have all this experience behind us.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Egg Production

After a bout of starving the eggs right out of our chickens they are now laying again. The poor things were struggling to get enough nutrition from the scratch and also being moved from one pen to another while we were isolating those we thought were sick.
Back and forth we went until we got the news about what we were NOT feeding our chickens. I missed the eggs they laid, it was almost a sense of pride for the daily production, and then it had ceased. No, I thought, how can this be? Our chickens were almost right on reschedule.
I got a phone call yesterday, because I am in town for a little while, from Mary, that the chickens are back in order and laying just fine. Thank you, God, I am very pleased. I love those eggs!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What to feed, how long, and why!

Our chickens have been slowly passing and now I have the answer thanks to a nice lady on the BYC (Back Yard Chickens forum) I am on. My chickens are only two months old so this will be great advice because we switched food to 5 grain scratch too fast.
Thank you again BYC you may have saved a whole bunch of chickens...and guilt from killing them from starvation..

What I would do is get them back on Start and Grow until 12-16 weeks of age. Don't feed them anything else until they seem good and strong. You can switch them to Flockraiser after that, or keep them on Starter until you get your first eggs, switch them to Layena.
(from dangerouschicken)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My new chickens and the other newer ones!

I am so excited over my new chickens. I believe they, the newest ones, are Americana/Arucana(sp). I named my chickens I just got after my four daughters because I have two redheads a blonde and a brunette. LOL