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The Easy Garden

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vacation time at the falls!

Went on a family reunion and spent time with my daughter in town. The chickens grew rapidly and are now iridescent. Some of the other chickens are laying on a regular basis and I believe it is almost time for the Australorps to start producing.
The kids are having a good time dueling over who gets the eggs. Some, of course, don't make it to the house because they "drop" or something. I think some turn out to be weapons. LOL
I am looking forward to buying several different kinds and some of the same next year. I am also looking forward to ducks and turkey's next year.
The garden has been a hit and miss situation but we are still eating good from it. The chickens share it by eating the bugs and the bugs share it by eating anything that grows.

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