Lucy decided today that sharing a coop was not for her. How dare the rest of the chickens bother her while she lay her precious egg and then "Mom" wasn't with her either. I, Sugar, being the "Mom" to her.
Lucy flew the coop and was headed back to her familiar coop and her nest. I managed to see what was going on when one of my grandsons yelled, "She's out!" As I walked out toward the old coop Lucy followed along like she was glad to be rescued and ready to get her job done for the day.
I entered into the coop with her and had, Justen, my other grandson, run to the new coop and retrieve Lucy's nest. As he was running to get it Lucy kept clucking what sounded like, "Please hurry", while a bit indignant that we would have moved her private nest elsewhere.
I was tying the nest back for reinforcement and Lucy got so carried away she flew on top my head and just stayed there until I lifted her into her nest. She quietly started clucking and stirring until a few minutes later the treasure was produced. Lucy then got out and walked around her area. I left the coop with the door open and she stayed there until miss Sweet Pea chased her out again. Sweet Pea got her scolding for the day and went home. Lucy is now being a yard bird, but I doubt she will nest anywhere else from now on but her own private area! LOL
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